Friday, August 16, 2024

August - Week 03

This month is just flying by!!! School started in these parts this week. . .the school bus was out and about yesterday and made me think that winter is fast approaching!!! We have one grand starting high school this year which just doesn't seem possible!!! She has a busy few months ahead of her but she is a "get it done" kind of kid so I have faith that she will be able to balance everything!!! I've been busy this week working on videos for our daughter and a scrapbook for the youngest grand that will be a teenager this year!!! YIKES!!! Since I've been focused on other projects I haven't done a lot of scrapping but here goes. . . Created using Told you it was a slow week for me. . .until next time. . .

Saturday, August 10, 2024

August - Week 02

Around here this was the last week of freedom for the kiddos. . .school starts next week!!! It seems like their summers are getting a tad shorter each year and the breaks through the school year are getting longer. If I were I kid, I think I would enjoy a longer summer and shorter breaks through the school year. Back when I was a kid, we started school after Labor Day and we were done the day before Memorial Day. Our Christmas breaks started on Christmas Eve and we went back to school on the 2nd of January!!! Spring Break. . .we only got Good Friday off and we were back in school the day after Easter. But then again, I grew up in a farming community and us kids were needed on the farm to help with spring planting. . .and there were many times when during harvest kids would miss school to help with that. But times have surely changed!!! I do worry this year though. . .COVID is running rampent in these parts. As of this writing, my husband and I are the only 2 people I know who haven't come down with it. The way my body is at the moment I fear it would not be a wise to add one more thing to the mix!!! Anyway, it was hot here this week so I've been busy on birthday books, planning the Christmas scrapbooks and calendars when I feel up to it. And, between activities, I've done a bit of actual scrapping so here goes. . . Created using Created using Created using Created using And that is a wrap for the week!!! It is cool enough today for chili so gonna go see if I have the "fixins" to do that!!! Until next time. . .

Friday, August 2, 2024

August - Week 01

When I turn the calendar to August, it is kind of meloncoly. It means that summer will soon be over, another school year will be starting and time is marching on. But then again, it is also a reminder that this heat will soon give way to those fabulous crisp, clear, colorful autumn days!!! That is my favorite time of the year!!! But enough of that. It has been hot here so I've done some scrapping. . .so here goes!!! Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using And, that does it for me this first week in August!!! Until next time. . .