Friday, June 28, 2024

June - Week 04

This year is moving right along. . .hard to belive that July starts Monday!!! It has been super hot and dry here so kind of unbearable to say the least. To keep cool, I'm actually working on Christmas presents!!! In the meantime, I've not done a lot of scrapping so here goes. . . Created using Well, that indeed was a short list!!! Next week's post should have more to share!!! Until next time. . .

Friday, June 21, 2024

June - Week 03

The good news is, the cicadas are finally gone!!! The bad new. . .it is so hot!!! It is so hot I caught the cat sleeping in front of the fan!!! It has been a slow week so I don't have a whole lot to share but here goes. . . Created using And that's all I got for this week!!! Until next time. . .

Friday, June 14, 2024

June - Week 02

My goodness, this week is going to be a scorcher here!!! The temperature will be in the mid to upper 90's but add the humidity and it is going to feel like over 100-degrees!!! I've been busy doing all sorts of unrelated odds and ends this week and scrapping took a backseat. Anyway here goes. . . Created using Created using Created using And, that's a wrap for me this week!!! Until next time. . .

Friday, June 7, 2024

June - Week 01

Can you believe it??? June already!!! School is out here and we have started dance recital season!!! This is one of my favorite times of the year. . .having been a "dance mom" for 15 years it is finally my turn to sit back and let both of my daughters assume that role as both granddaughters dance!!! I can honestly say I don't miss the days of fixing hair, gathering dancers from the dressing rooms and delivering them backstage, mending costumes in the dark of the backstage area, trying to coax a crying 4-year old onto the stage. Now I can sit and relax and watch!!! I have to admit though there are times when one of the granddaughters will be on stange and for a split second I can see their Mom on that stage as a little girl and that is so bittersweet it brings tears to my eyes!!! Anyway, it is a new month and I have a few things to share with you so here goes. . . Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using WOW, that's a lot of layouts!!! But that's a wrap for me today. . .until next time. . .