There are two methods to create a hyperlink. The method to use depends on whether the site uses BB Code or HTML as the basis for their site. Sites such as Scrapbook Elements, DigiShop Talk, Digi Chick and Digital Freebies use the BB Code method. Treasures to Scrap uses the HTML method. If you try one approach and the results are just what you typed in, then you will want to edit that photo and switch to the other method.
BB Code Method (used at SBE, DST, DC, DF)
[url=LINKTOPRODUCT]Product Name[/url]
[url=]Rina Kroes' Some Enchanted Evening[/url]
Typically, with this method, if you have several credits, you can atually create a list by simply pressing "enter" at the end of the line!!
HTML Method (used at Treasures To Scrap)
<a href="LINKTOKIT" target="_blanc">NAMEOFKIT</a>
<a href="" target="_blanc">Rina Kroes' Bling String Embellishment Set</a>
If you have several credits, this method is a little tricker to use. You will find that you will need to use the <br> HTML code to create a line break.