Friday, June 24, 2022

Another Week

This is going to be a very short post. This has been a challenging week on several fronts and I haven't had much time to do anything. I definitely need to clean the house today though, it is suffering :-) So here goes. . . Created using Told you it was going to be a short week. . .until next time. . .

Friday, June 17, 2022

It's HOT!!!

It has been unusually hot for this time of year and next week seems to be more of the same!!! It is entirely too hot for this time of year!!! I've managed to do a bit of scrapping though so here goes. . . Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using And that is a wrap for me this week!!! Until next time. . .

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Sweltry Summer Ahead

WOW, this coming week is going to be a hot one here!!! I'm not opposed to the heat, but I AM opposed to the sweating part!!! I'll be staying indoors a lot and will likely be in front of the fan, there is nothing like a good oscillating fan to keeep cool on a hot day!!! That's coming from the gal that grew up next to the Ohio River in extreme southern Illinois!!! I've done a bit of scrapping so here goes. . . Created using Created using Created using Created using And that's what I have for this week!!! Until next time. . .

Wednesday, June 1, 2022


WHAT!!! How is it June already? Crazy how fast this year has flown by!!! My June is chalked full of happenings so I'm sure it will fly by too!!! Since it is the first of the month, I do have a couple of pages to share with you. . . Created using Created using And, those are my additions for the June Buffet at GingerScraps!!! Hope to be back on Friday with more goodies!!! Until then. . .