Friday, December 24, 2021

December Weekend #4

Well here we are, Christmas weekend!!! All of my preperation is done. . .sounds like a lot but since it will only be the two of us this year, pretty much all I did was put the au gratin potatoes together and make a breakfast pastery that my girls refer to as "Pecan Crap". . .they never liked it, but I do!!! You simply can't go wrong with crescent rolls, cinnamon sugar with pecans and butter topped with a mixture of honey, butter, powdered sugar and more pecans!!! I'll put a small ham on tomorrow with the potatoes and some green beans. All the packages are wrapped and the majority of things have been delivered. On Sunday my husband will go to his Mom's for Christmas. I'm skipping it because I think there are a fair number who are unvaccinated and see absolutely no reason to protect a 90-something from this virus.

I've done a little bit of scrapping this past week, but been doing more Christmasy stuff so here goes. . . Created using Created using And with that, I'm winding down on this Christmas Eve. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed holiday season filled with new memories. . .until next time. . .

Saturday, December 18, 2021

December Weekend #3

Well, this week I did actually manage to get the Christmas calendars and scrapbooks done and ordered. And, the great thing. . .just got a notice that one part has shipped. I have delivered the Christmas gifts to their rightful recipient. The COVID numbers are skyrocketing in our area again, so I made the decision to forego a Christmas gathering again. In part, it was just too tough to find a time with Christmas being on a Saturday. Kids actaully go back to school in this area on January 3rd. . .Since my Christmas preparations are now done, I did take a little "me" time but have also managed to scrap a couple of pages so here goes. . . Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using And, that is a wrap for me today (pun intended)!!! Until next time. . .

Friday, December 17, 2021

December Weekend #2

Yeah, it is the second weekend in December!!! At this point I think I am virtually done Christmas shopping and a good deal of the wrapping is done. I'm holding on a photo from this weekend to finish the Christmas scrapbooks and calendars and then they go off to Shutterfly!!! This year, I'll just have those things shipped directly instead of coming here to be wrapped. With the big surge in COVID, we are going to forego yet another Christmas. If people could just get their act together, things could go back to normal, but I've been in respiratory distress before and I have absolutely NO desire to experience that again. My immune system has been wonky for about a month now so even though I'm fully vaxxed and then some, I still think it would be a rough time. Plus my daughter is about to start an intense immuno therapy and we need to keep her safe. Having said that, I am going to venture out one more time to see our oldest granddaughter in The Nutcracker. This is her first show and I wouldn't miss it for the world!!!

With all the things going on here, I didn't do a lot of scrapping this week, but here goes. . . Created using Created using And, that is a wrap for this week. . .Until next time. . .

Friday, December 3, 2021

Delightful December

I can hardly believe it is December already. . .not sure where this year went!!! As crazy as it was, it sure did fly by!!! And now, if I can just get the Christmas scrapbooks and calendars done, I can truly enjoy the holiday season!!! I've managed to do a little scrapping this week that I can share with you so here goes. . .

Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using That about does it for me this week, I have lots to do this weekend and new memories to make!!! Until next time. . .