Tuesday, June 18, 2019


My time seems so limited this summer, but I did manage to get a layout done today so I thought I would go ahead and post it before I totally forgot about it!!! So, here goes!!!

Created using And, there is only one!!! Until next time. . .

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Rainy Days Ahead

I don't recall seeing a 10-day forecast with storms every single day!!! As I type this, it is heavily raining outside!!! My "new" summer schedule started this week so I don't have a lot to share today, but here is what I have. . . Created using Told you it was a short list - LOL!!! Until next time. . .

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Summer Starts

Well, the last grandkid is done with school for the year finally so this week I started hanging out with her a couple of days a week. I have to say I have had a blast with her!!! I have a couple of layouts to share with you so here goes. . .

Created using Created using Created using And, that is a wrap for me this week!!! Until next time. . .