Friday, December 16, 2022

Countdown to Christmas

The final push for Christmas has started!!! I'm on hold for 1 gift, don't have the scrapbooks or calendars anywhere close to done, but I say if the girls get those things in January that is just going to spread out the holiday cheer!!! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it - LOL!!! The forecast for our area includes a chance of snow late next week and with the temperatures projected to stay low, there might just be a bit of a white Chirstmas!!! In the week ahead we will be delivering gifts to our girls and then hopefully settle in for a quiet Christmas. . .With everything going on, I have managed to do a little bit of scrapping so here goes. . . Created using Created using Created using Created using And that's a wrap for me today!!! Now I'm off to start knocking things off this "to-do" list!!! Until next time. . .

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