Wednesday, January 3, 2018

New Year. . .Same Me

Well, the new year is here and I am doing a pretty good job of typing 2018!!! The end of 2017 was pretty rough so I'm hoping for a much smoother and enjoyable 2018!!!

Around here we are starting the year out in a deep freeze!!! It is so cold, but not nearly as cold as the renown Polar Vortex from a few years ago!!! That was brutal!!! This morning it is 9 below with a "feels like" temperature of 20 below. But I am sitting here with my trusty little space heater under my desk so I'm toasty warm. . .but there will likely be a hot chocolate in my future this afternoon!!! That will be reward for getting my chores done!!!

Now that the holidays are over and my house is almost back to normal, I'm slowly getting back into scrapping so here goes. . . Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using Created using And with that I am outta here to go get warm!!! Until next time. . .

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