Friday, December 14, 2018

Frantic Friday

Well, today is a frantic day and most of the weekend will be that way too!!! Today I am on standby in case my husband needs help with his Pancake And Sausage Breakfast at church tomorrow. We started setting up last night. I spent over 2 hours ironing panels for the Santa House picture area. It was during that time that I realized I had become my Mother. . .Mom always had her homemade spray starch in a spray bottle that she hung from the ironing board and while my spray bottle only had water, I was wishing for some of that spray starch a time or two. Then the iron - I am using my Mom's iron. Keep in mind she passed away 14 years ago last week and she had this iron for some time before that. . .and come to think about it, I'm using Mom's ironing board!!! As far as ironing boards go, this is a Cadillac version!!! Love this ironing board!!! And if last night and today weren't busy enough, tomorrow we have the breakfast, I may have to go pick up our daughter and tomorrow our niece is getting married out of town. On to Sunday. . .we are going to a Holiday Dance Show that our granddaughter is in!!! Monday is a day to recouperate and then Tuesday my husband is having surgery. . .that might just do it for me for the week!!!

Between all the activities, my scrapping time has been limited, but here goes. . . Created using Created using Created using Forgot to publish this. . .sorry!!! I did survive the weekend!!! Until next time. . .

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