Friday, June 18, 2021

What Day Is It????

I have to admit, I feel "calendar challenged" this month. My brain knows that the 4th of July is approaching, but for some reason I think it is next weekend and my brain thinks that this is the last week in June, but it clearly is NOT!!! I have no idea why this happens to me occasionally, but when I look at the June calendar this month seems to be taking up a lot of real estate on that paper!!! I just feel like I'm about to mess something up. . .but oh well. . .

It has been hot here this week and today is truly going to be a scorcher with a forecast of very strong storms this afternoon. . .I've been doing a lot of scrapping, but seem to only have one item to share with you so here goes. . . Created using Created using For a super busy week, this is a short post, but it is what it is :-) That is gonna be a wrap for me. . .Until next time. . .

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